LEAD Teachers

This page contains the honest raw reflections of the Lead teachers across both our clusters. Teachers were given the option of capturing their reflection in any form or format using any hardware, software or Web 2.0 tool. Even though some content may have been uploaded or converted by facilitator ALL contributions were created by individual Leads  (with no support) eg. Movie files, Sound files or HTML were emailed or passed on.

Sound files created using Easi Speak Microphones and Laptops

Click on the link below to listen to this sound recording

Chirbit - Reflection - kim77 - share audio easily

These sound files were uploaded to Chirbit and embedded here:

Check this out on Chirbit

Check this out on Chirbit

How has ICT made a difference to our learners? What would our learners say?

Check this out on Chirbit

One of Westbrook's lead teachers shares her thoughts...

Another Westbrook Lead reflects

Sunset Lead teacher reflects using Fotobabble:

Another Otonga Lead teacher reflects using Voki