Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Questions to promote thinking....

  • How has ICT changed your teaching practice?
  • In which areas have you strived to make a change in your teaching practice, in the last year?
  • What has changed in your classroom due to the impact of ICT?
  • What do you believe are the needs of the 21st Century Learner?
  • What differences have you noticed with the learners of today?
  • If you could share a teaching 'Pearl of Wisdom' what would it be?
  • What ICT has had the most impact in your classroom and why?
  • What piece of ICT could you NOT live without and why?
  • If you could have any piece of ICT equipment what would it be and why? (How would it make a difference to your learners?)
  • How are you supporting thinking and learning in your classroom?
  • What part does SOLO play in your school?
  • How has SOLO made a difference to your learners?
  • Are you currently doing any professional reading? If so, what is it and how will it make a difference to you?
  • If money was NOT an issue and you could have a day with any 'GURU' who would it be and why?
  • What do you feel is the most effective style of P.D. and why?
  • If you could celebrate and share one ICT experience your learners have benefited from what would it be?
  • How has ICT supported collaboration in your classroom or school?
  • How does your team or school share new learning?
  • How does ICT support your personal learning?
  • Do you have an online presence and if so what is it?
  • Do you have a PLN (Personal Learning Network) and if so, how does it make a difference to your teaching life?
  • If you could make changes, relating to ICT in your school, what would they be and why?
  • What barriers are (or were there) for you infusing ICT in your classroom and why (or how) have you overcome them?
  • How has the introduction of an LMS impacted on you and your students?

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